For Writers:
Submission Guidelines for The Prairie Journal
Dear Potential Contributor,
Thanks for your interest in us. Since 1983 The Prairie Journal has been publishing quality poetry, short fiction, drama, literary criticism, reviews, bibliography, interviews, profiles and artwork. Our wants are few. We do not consider simultaneous submissions. It has happened that a good deal of work was done on accepted manuscripts for the press, only to learn that they had been sent out elsewhere and we were waiting in line with publishers ahead of us. We do not reprint material. The reasoning is that we do not want to encounter rights problems but also there is a tremendous amount of work out there and we like to give everybody a chance for publication. Authors retain copyright. You can use your work in any way you choose after it appears in the journal. You own it. We thank you for allowing us to use it.
All submissions should be on 8.5 by 11 inch standard bond (recycled preferred) with paper clips. Please write your name and address on each sheet. Double space and retain a copy for your records. Never send originals through the mail and this includes artwork. After acceptance you may be asked for a disc. We still do the formatting. Although some authors like to run off copies with postage only for reply, we like an envelope with sufficient postage for return so we can offer editorial comments and suggestions. Most of the work we receive is publishable. The process is one of selection (based on space and sometimes theme) not rejection. No foreign postage or metered return mail. No U.S. cheques due to bank charges but a postal money order is fine. You can obtain Canadian stamps by mail. We will not be replying until we are preparing an issue (twice yearly) so please be patient. We will acknowledge, accept for publication or return your work at that time. We pay a modest honourarium for all print-published work, but not for online content. You will not get rich but then neither will we.
This is a labour of love. It helps us if you support our efforts monetarily and it helps you to study back issues (ask your library) but no one is obliged to purchase as a prerequisite for publication. Donations are tax deductible and much appreciated. Sample issues and annual subscriptions (two issues) are: $12.00 in Canada and $20.00 international. Payable to Prairie Journal Trust. Thanks for writing.